November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

This morning started out a little rough...

See here's the put out all these new snowman decorations and well I just wanted to see what it was and hold it. And then well all this white stuff came pouring out and it went everywhere, and by everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE!

So then mom took a picture and told dad that I was his child right now! Meaning dad had to clean it up!

Oops! I didn't know that would happen.
But the day got much better because we went to see Baby Shershies! I love baby shershies!
It was pretty chilly and I refused to wear my coat my brought for me but good thing she brought my Ms. Betty night night cause I did cover up with that a little bit. But I'm tough it wasn't THAT cold! Yeah right!

Me and mom watching baby shershies race!

After I had a nap we met Momaw and Popaw for dinner at Applebee's! Good food and Popaw had lots of fries that he wanted to share with me. Thanks Popaw!

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