March 16, 2009

What a day! After mom and dad got off work we decided that with such wonderful weather we would go for a family bike ride. Don't worry...Mom didn't pull me, Dad did! Anyway, in the process of getting ready Christy called and said they were going for a ride and wondered if we would like to join them. Well of course we would!
Me in my trailer!

Mom and Christy--Christy is much smarter then my mom--she wears a helmet!

Emma is passed out--she was very tired. Ethan appears to be asleep and picking his nose and he was doing neither. The camera guy just got a bad pose. :)
On the way home I found dad's helmet and other then it being stinky it was pretty cool. I put it on and played peek-a-boo with mom! I am so cute! And I keep everyone so entertained!

Overall, I loved the bike ride. I was not too fond of stopping but I eventually got over it and waited patiently if we had to stop for something.

I also LOVE this weather! It is like...........warm here. I think Dad always says a number but I don't know what that number was or means. I'm going to have to figure that out! HOMEWORK!

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