May 22, 2010

Uncle Marshall wanted me to come back this morning, so I did! My friends were there, Andrew, Rayonna, and some other kids. We all had lots of fun!

While I was gone mom painted the spare bedroom. She was excited to get all that done.

After my nap I got to go to my first baseball game. It was super fun! They had this fish that ate the man and his pants. And there was Buddy the Bat there. And Santa was there (I liked him from afar!) and a big horsie, it was lots of fun! Momaw, Popaw, Beverly, Mom, and Dad all went with me to the game.

I ended up going home with Momaw and Popaw and spent the night cause it was Mom and Dad's anniversary or something like that. I heard they had been married for 7 years but I don't get that cause I'm only 2 and they weren't around before me, right?

Anyway, mom will upload pictures of my ball game soon and post them.

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