September 26, 2008

So today was Ms. Tracy's last day hanging out with me. She is starting nursing school. I mean is that more important than hanging out with me??? She really needs to rethink her decision. So Monday Mr. Joey takes over and he's pretty cool, I like him, so it should be okay. But Ms. Tracy gave me a huge Dora coloring book today, I can't wait until I can start coloring--that looks fun!

I was helping Mom cook dinner tonight...She turned around and I was climbing out. She wanted help and I can't help her seated in my high chair. One day last week I climbed from my high chair to the kitchen table so tonight mom thought she would be slick and she put the tray on my high chair. Little did she know I can still get out. And I did!!! Mom has her hands full!
After dinner Dad took me for a bike ride in my new trailer. I kinda like it. But after a few minutes I get tired of it. It is pretty cool though. I think I would like it better if Emma rode with me...

1 comment:

jess. said...

That looks so dangerous...